Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June Mini-Goals

Half-way through June and I haven't posted my mini-goals yet.  Instead of making mini-goals, I'm going to make a list of things I've already accomplished.  I've been so busy and have lots of things I still need to do.  Making mini-goals seems pointless this month since I seem to be crossing things off my invisible to-do list everyday.

What I've accomplished in June so far...

  1. Worked on decluttering my classroom for an extra day.
  2. Helped at Mikayla's field day.
  3. Met with someone to discuss hearing loss.
  4. Planned and executed Mikayla's birthday party.
  5. Took Girl Scouts to Haven of Rest and Children's Hospital to drop off donations.
  6. Got a second opinion on my hearing loss.
  7. Went to dentist appointments for myself and Mikayla.
  8. Went for a medical check-up.
  9. Volunteered for VBS snacks.
  10. Scheduled and attended a ceramics class with the Girl Scouts.
  11. Scheduled an overnighter at the zoo for the Girl Scouts.
  12. Did some decluttering and preparation for a yard sale.
  13. Started plans for our summer vacation.
Here's what I still need to do before the end of June...
  1. Have a yard sale.
  2. Take Mikayla to the orthodontist.
  3. Have dental work done.
  4. Finalize plans for the zoo trip.
  5. Finalize vacation plans.
I have been so busy this month.  I wonder how I do everything I need to do during the school year when I'm working.  Somehow I get it done though.  Where's my summer vacation going already?!?!?

June Goals - Stick a fork in me... I'm done!